Hotmail: Can't Send/Receive 1 of 3 Accounts (using XP)



I'm using Outlook XP, and I have 3 Hotmail accounts. 2 of them I've been
using for a long time without any problems. However, with the 3rd one I
just added now, Outlook stalls for about a minute before spitting out:

A connection to the server could not be established. is now in offline mode.

There may be server or network problems or your timeout interval may be too
Please search Microsoft Outlook Help for [HTTP Mail troubleshooting]


OvErboRed said:
I'm using Outlook XP, and I have 3 Hotmail accounts. 2 of them I've been
using for a long time without any problems. However, with the 3rd one I
just added now, Outlook stalls for about a minute before spitting out:

A connection to the server could not be established. is now in offline mode.

There may be server or network problems or your timeout interval may be too
Please search Microsoft Outlook Help for [HTTP Mail troubleshooting]

That's the message when I just add the account to the list of accounts.
When I try to Update Folder List...

Task 'Hotmail: Downloading folder list.' reported error (0x800CCC19): 'A
timeout occurred while communicating with the server.'

This is extremely bizarre, because the other two are working just fine, and
it's not like the third account is inactive or anything. Any advice? Please
help, thanks in advance.

Outlook 2002 supports only one Hotmail account per profile. If you want
multiple Hotmail accounts in Outlook, you will have to define as many
multiple profiles with one Hotmail account in each one, and you will
have to exit Outlook to reload it so you can select a different profile
(which means you need to configure profiles so you are prompted to
select one instead of always picking the default profile). See;en-us;325114.

Consider yourself one of the rare few that can accidentally manage to
get 2 Hotmail accounts defined within Outlook. It is unusual that you
got 2 of them defined. Getting a 3rd one defined is pushing your luck.


I've been using YahooPOPs, but I never heard of Hotmail Popper. It's just
the tool I need. Thanks a lot!


OvErboRed said:
I've been using YahooPOPs, but I never heard of Hotmail Popper. It's just
the tool I need. Thanks a lot!

Actually, and although I have only 1 surviving Hotmail account, I may
begin to use Hotmail Popper to see if Outlook becomes less susceptible
to long delays on startup while it waits for the HTTP e-mail account for
Hotmail to login (and fail which causes the long delay). Maybe Outlook
won't hang if the "Hotmail" POP account (using Hotmail Popper) takes a
long time and instead it continues with polling the other POP accounts.

When you define an HTTP e-mail account in Outlook 2002 (for Hotmail),
you get a separate set of folders for that e-mail account. However, if
you define a POP e-mail account (for Hotmail via Hotmail Popper),
e-mails from your Hotmail account will go into your Inbox. All POP
e-mail accounts get retrieved into the Inbox. So you might want to
color code items in the Inbox so you can tell which are from which POP
e-mail accounts (and be able to separate the Hotmail messages from those
from real POP servers); select Inbox, View -> Current View -> Customize
Current View -> Automatic Formatting -> Advanced, and select "E-mail
Account" for Field, "is exactly", and put the name of your e-mail
account in the Value field. You can list more than one e-mail account
to include in a coloring rule. I tend use one coloring rule for my
Yahoo accounts (3 of them), another for those from my ISP's e-mail
accounts (2 of them), and would create one for all of my Hotmail
accounts (1 so far). Or you could define a coloring rule for each
e-mail account and be able to differentiate them all from each other.

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