Hour specification and time calculation



Dear readers,

An employee is working shifts and i need to find out WHICH hours of the
shift are intersecting with the daily rate, the evening rate,
the night rate, weekend or holiday rate. Is there a function that give
me that specification of hours?
i.e shift is: 07:00 - 15:00
night rate is: 23:00 - 08:00
Result of function should be: 07:00 - 08:00

shift is: 14:00 - 22:00
evening rate is 18:00 - 23:00
Result of function should be: 18:00 - 22:00

p.s. all start and endtimes are in separate columns.
With Kind Regards,

April 20, 1986
Celtics (135) - Bulls (131)
Larry Bird: "God disguised as Michael Jordan"



Try this..

Say you enter
A1 = Actual start time
B1 = Actual stop time
C1 = Shift start time
D1 = Shift stop time



The intersection time period comes in cell E1 and F1.

Karthik Bhat


On 29 Jan 2006 23:18:30 -0800, Karthik wrote...
Say you enter
A1 = Actual start time
B1 = Actual stop time
C1 = Shift start time
D1 = Shift stop time



The intersection time period comes in cell E1 and F1.

Thanks for your solution but it works just partially and i get some
unpredictable results. So i figured out some function in vba, and it
Anyway thanks for your response and with some adjustments it will surely
Function BeginTijd(ByVal shStart, ByVal shEnd, _
ByVal LoLimit, ByVal UpLimit)

If shEnd >= UpLimit And shStart >= LoLimit And _
shStart < UpLimit Then
BeginTijd = shStart
Exit Function
End If

If shStart < LoLimit And shEnd >= UpLimit Then
BeginTijd = LoLimit
Exit Function
End If

If shStart < LoLimit And shEnd > LoLimit And _
shEnd <= UpLimit Then
BeginTijd = LoLimit
Exit Function
End If

If shStart >= LoLimit And shStart <= UpLimit And _
shEnd <= UpLimit And shEnd >= LoLimit Then
BeginTijd = shStart
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Function EindTijd(ByVal shStart, ByVal shEnd, _
ByVal LoLimit, ByVal UpLimit)

If shEnd >= UpLimit And shStart >= LoLimit And _
shStart < UpLimit Then
EindTijd = UpLimit
Exit Function
End If

If shStart < LoLimit And shEnd >= UpLimit Then
EindTijd = UpLimit
Exit Function
End If

If shStart < LoLimit And shEnd > LoLimit And _
shEnd <= UpLimit Then
EindTijd = shEnd
Exit Function
End If

If shStart >= LoLimit And shStart <= UpLimit And _
shEnd <= UpLimit And shEnd >= LoLimit Then
EindTijd = shEnd
Exit Function
End If
End Function
With Kind Regards,

April 20, 1986
Celtics (135) - Bulls (131)
Larry Bird: "God disguised as Michael Jordan"

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