Hourly Total of Employees Punched In (Chart) ?



Looking for suggestions on how to use StartTime and
FinishTime (from timeclock data) to make a line-chart
showing the total number of employees clocked in at each
hour during a 5:00am to 10:00pm period. Hours accross the
bottom, total # of employees for each hour creating the

I've made a series of queries that feed into a chart, but
it's *very* slow. And the chart doesn't show as anything
more that one large rectangle in design mode, and I can't
figure out how to tweak the formatting, etc.

Duane Hookom

I would create a table of times with a single DateTime field and values from
00:00 to 24:00 for each hour (tblTimes.TheTime). You can then create a query
with your existing table and tblTimes. Set the criteria under the TheTime
field to
Between [YourStartTime] and [YourEndTime].

You can then group by and count to meet your needs.


I would create a table of times with a single DateTime field and values from
00:00 to 24:00 for each hour (tblTimes.TheTime). You can then create a query
with your existing table and tblTimes. Set the criteria under the TheTime
field to
Between [YourStartTime] and [YourEndTime].

You can then group by and count to meet your needs.

Thanks for the reply, Duane.

I will certainly check this out... I started to do
something like that in one of my bazillion iterations of
"try this", but chickened out when I could'nt think of how
to link the two tables in the query. Don't tables have to
be linked in a query?

Unfortunately, all my memories are vague...

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