hours assigned varies in Timesheet




A resource has been assigned 10 hrs for a task. He wants to update in PWA.
In timesheet as he enters, the duartion changes in the task assignment
window. Is it because he might be entering more number of hours (more than 10
hrs) than mentioned?



Dale Howard [MVP]

Girija --

Yes, that is certainly possible. If you assign a resource to work 10 hours
over 2 days, for example, but on the My Timesheet page he/she enters 5 hours
per day for 4 days, the new Duration is 4 days and not 2 days. And the
total Work is now 20 hours, which is 10 hours over the original budget of 10
hours. Thus, you have 10 hours of Work Variance and 2 days of Duration
Variance on the task. Hope this helps.



correct me if I am wrong here.. timesheet data DOES NOT update the project
plan. So I am unsure how the project will reflect TotalWork = 20Hr ,
WorkVariance=10H and SchVariance = 2D ?


The resource updates the assinged Task to reflect the 5hrs pers day across
4d, then the prjplan would reflect what you varanice...correct ??

Dale Howard [MVP]

/pd --

I'm assuming the team member enters the time in his/her My Timesheet page
and then imports the time into his/her My Tasks page, and then submits the
task update to the PM for approval. Once approved, the variances are as I
indicate. Hope this helps.



Yes now that makes sense. I missed out that scenario. Import Timesheet into

thanks for the headsup.. another scenario that I must test out as a workflow
for the resource team.. :)-


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