mccormick said:
All the tasks are whole day duartions. The calender is set up to 6 ten hour
days per week and all durations are in increments of 10 hours. If you think
I may have one or more calenders wrong, please advise as to where any and or
all calenders that I need to look at can be located.
Thank you
Here's how I would set it up. Starting with a blank project file
1. Go to Tools/Change Working Time
2. Assuming the work week is Monday through Saturday, select the weekday
header for M through S of whatever month is shown. Changing it this way
will change all months. Note, you can still go back and manually
designate any national or company holidays or other periods of
non-working time.
3. Select the option for "Nondefault working time"
4. Set the "from" and "to" times (e.g. from = 7:00 am, to = 5:00 pm).
Include a lunch period if applicable by showing times before lunch and
after lunch as separate shifts, just like the default calendar uses.
5. Select the "Options" button. That will take you to the Calendar tab
of the Options submenu
6. Set the default start and end times to agree with the shift times of
step 4.
7. Set the "hours per day" to 10 and the "Hours per week" to 60. If you
want you can also change the "days per month" to 25 since Saturdays are
now part of the work month.
8. Hit "set as default", then hit "OK"
9. Hit "OK" on the change working time window
10. I also recommend you go to Project/Project Information and insure
the start time of the Start Date agrees with the setting from item 4. If
not, change it to agree.
Given that setup, your tasks should work properly for 6 ten hour days
assuming you have not specifically selected a different calendar (i.e.
other than your now modified standard calendar) for any task or resource.
If you did not make these changes prior to entering tasks, you probably
will have some tasks that do not follow the calendar times you desire,
even though you changed the calendar settings. In that case you may need
to start over. The idea is to set up your file calendar before you
actually create a plan.
Project MVP