I need to calculate hours. I have a formula set up for part of my equation
where I'm adding up the total hours that something took place for the month
(by entering each occurance and then summing), but I need to take the total
hours for the month which in one instance is 58 hrs and 7 minutes and
subtract the occurances from that to find out the difference. How can I
enter the 58:07 without it giving me a January 2, 1900 date and 10:07 as the
where I'm adding up the total hours that something took place for the month
(by entering each occurance and then summing), but I need to take the total
hours for the month which in one instance is 58 hrs and 7 minutes and
subtract the occurances from that to find out the difference. How can I
enter the 58:07 without it giving me a January 2, 1900 date and 10:07 as the