Hours shifting in My Tasks window.




My team is piloting the use of "My tasks" for daily updates on task
progress. (I have the web part configured to allow for entering time/day.).

The issue that we're having is that the time entered on a given day is
shifted to the right when re-visiting the page the next day. (i.e. 8 hours
entered for task A for 10/4 on 10/4, will be displayed as 8 hours entered
for Task A on 10/5 when opening the page on 10/5.) Each day, the entries are
"saved" not "submitted".

Has anyone experienced this problem/bug?




The timephased grid is maintaining the current day in the middle of the
grid. This is why the dates shift as the week progresses. If you install the
Microsoft Office Server Infrastructure Update it will stop this and make the
timephased grid much better to work with.



I noticed that the dates are shifting, but the interesting issue is that the
hours logged and saved are being shifted to. So, the 8 hours logged for Oct.
4 become 8 hours logged for Oct. 5 when I login the next day.

I actually installed the Infrastructure Update was installed a few months
ago, so it must be something else.


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