Household budget



Im amateur with Excel.
I started to make a data sheet over householdbudget for 2006 (Jan-Dec.). I
just started filling in data and sums from month after month. I didnt
"construct" a completly ready datasheet.
I started with a empty sheet and have filled in on x-axle: the cost of
foood, telephone, traveling, car, loans etc we had during the year.
On the y-axle I have months Jan-Dec.
The Data have not been in full alfabetic order as I have added new items
during the year.
Im trying to edit the datasheet now in November and have lots of figures to
deal with.
I try to get Data on x-axle in alfabetic order but the sums dont follow the
sorting. How do i get the sums to follow the data when I sort the datasheet ?


Hi Oaksquirrel,

I'm not one of the experts, but I always thought time went along the X
axis. I don't know if that's a hard and fast rule.

Seems to me that maybe you'd like to have a bar chart where each bar
(series) would represent an expense (eg, food). So you'd have the Y
axis values $$$$. And for each month you'd have several bars.

So if your spreadsheet looked like:
1 Food Car
2 Jan 100 800
3 Feb 150 900
4 Mar 125 850
5 etc ----- -----
6 TOT 375 2550

Then you'd copy A1:B4/Edit/PasteSpecial to make the first series Food.
Then Add a new series for Car, and a new series for Phone, etc. using
col A as the X axis values each time.

Or maybe you just want totals for the whole year? In which case, you'd
just make the totals the series, still using col A as the X axis.

Does that make sense?

I haven't tried it, but that's what I'd do.... or try to do. I've
only been at this a few months myself.



Hi Kathy,
Thank you for your reply. It seems easier to calculate in the version you
suggest. But I have a full year of expences on datasheet i got allready.
Jan Feb Mars

Electr. 500 250 etc
Food 800 653
Car 900 557

My question was more how do i sort the X-axle and get the sums on Y-axle to
floow the sorting? Like this...(this I have copy and paste, but thats
horrible to use if you have the whole houshold budget to work with lol)
Car 900 557
Electr. 500 250 etc
Food 800 653
Greetings from Oaksquirrel

"KathyC" skrev:


Aah, I think I know what you mean now......

So go ahead and sort your expense data. Then

- Select the Chart
- Rt Click and choose Source Data
- click the Series Tab
- click on a series(expense), erase the Y values shown, then in the
worksheet click/drag over the sums you want shown. They should appear
in the Yvalues box.
- do the last step for each series.

Hope it works for you!


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