Hover button / IE 6



I was wondering if you may know if there are any known
issues with the Hover button. I just upgraded my PC to XP
and I am running IE ver 6.0.2800. My hover buttons do not
display when I am viewing the page from FP2002 (preview)
or when I access page via IE 6/0/2800. It displays
properly in Netscape viewer or other versions of IE eg. IE

Can you help?

Tom Pepper Willett

Many version of xp and IE no longer have the java virtual machine installed,
which is required to view hover buttons.

Hover buttons are not supported in all browser, as it is.

We have for the past couple of years in the FP newsgroups tried to
discourage the use of hover buttons.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| I was wondering if you may know if there are any known
| issues with the Hover button. I just upgraded my PC to XP
| and I am running IE ver 6.0.2800. My hover buttons do not
| display when I am viewing the page from FP2002 (preview)
| or when I access page via IE 6/0/2800. It displays
| properly in Netscape viewer or other versions of IE eg. IE
| 6.0.2600.
| Can you help?

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