Hover button issues in IE


Dan G

I'm trying to use hover buttons for navigation. Unfortunately, in IE the
first button will not display until the page is reloaded. The other ones
display fine, it's just the first that's missing. The link for the missing
button DOES work, just the button that's not there. One the page reloads, it
appears. The same buttons display and work fine in Firefox (of course), it's
just IE that's the problem. I've tried re-creating the page with different
arrangements and styles, but always the 1st button in a series is missing in

Is there some other HTML code that will work better? <fphover.class> seems
pretty buggy.

Dan G


What I'm really wondering is what other code is around that will do the same
job without the M$ bugs.
3 times out of 4, the top button is missing when I load this page in IE, and
appears after re-loading. Other IE users tell me it's fine. I suspect an
issue with the JAVA installation on this machine, but again it works fine in

p c

I leaded the URL in both IE and FF. I don't see any buttons or Java
stuff anyehwere. ??

Did you try to validate the HTML for missing tags?


Dan G

I removed the hover buttons, too much trouble and slow to load. I'm looking
at DHTML and any other options I come up with.
fphover is just too buggy.

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