Hover Button Navigation Bar



When developing my site (not up for view yet)I did not
care for the themes in the Frontpage program so I went
without a theme and created a Navigation Bar from a
series of Hover Buttons. I was able to match the colors
to the rest of my site and it looks good with the
rollovers. When I view the the site in Preview the
navigation bar does not appear normally...grey boxes
replace the colored rollover buttons. When I Preview in
Browser and actually Publish the site it appears
normally...however the cursor on the screen does not turn
to a "hand pointer" when it crosses the button like a
normal link. I would like to keep the Hover Button
navigation bar if possible but not if it has the
potential to malfunction when viewed. Can you tell me if
I should continue using this navigation set-up.

Peter Aitken

JGD said:
When developing my site (not up for view yet)I did not
care for the themes in the Frontpage program so I went
without a theme and created a Navigation Bar from a
series of Hover Buttons. I was able to match the colors
to the rest of my site and it looks good with the
rollovers. When I view the the site in Preview the
navigation bar does not appear normally...grey boxes
replace the colored rollover buttons. When I Preview in
Browser and actually Publish the site it appears
normally...however the cursor on the screen does not turn
to a "hand pointer" when it crosses the button like a
normal link. I would like to keep the Hover Button
navigation bar if possible but not if it has the
potential to malfunction when viewed. Can you tell me if
I should continue using this navigation set-up.

Two points. One, FP's preview pane does not show all things correctly, and
ther hover buttons are an example. So, this is not a problem in and of
itself as long as things work OK when published. However, (second), the
hover buttons depend on the Java VM being present on the user's machine, and
apparently it is absent on some small percentage of XP installations. The
buttons will not work for these people. Better to use JavaScript to do your
rollovers. It's very simple - there are lots of examples on the web.

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