hover button



i have used FP 2002 to create a slew of hover buttons for
my page links, however when the buttons are hovered on,
the cursor does nor change into the link pointer cursor.
can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to make
these buttons more recognizable as links. TIA.

Tom Pepper Willett

Java Hover Buttons do not use the changing cursor by design.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| i have used FP 2002 to create a slew of hover buttons for
| my page links, however when the buttons are hovered on,
| the cursor does nor change into the link pointer cursor.
| can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to make
| these buttons more recognizable as links. TIA.

Steve Easton

You may want to reconsider using hover buttons,
as they are not supported in XP with IE6.
They require Java Virtual Machine
( not to be confused with javascript ) which
no longer comes installed in XP/IE6.

You can accomplish everything but the "Glow" effects
using CSS.
( and eliminate an amazing
amount of "scripting" from your pages )

There's some "bare minimums" ideas here:
by no means consider it a css tutorial, it was
my "excercise in futility "

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