Hover buttons don't appear in preview mode



My hover buttons do not appear in preview mode.
Interestingly, they don't after I publish & look at my
web page afterwards. I have remove4d all "codebase"
references as suggested by a friend, but that did not
change anything.

Thank you.

Tom Pepper Willett

The Java hover buttons will not appear (by design) in preview mode, but are
supposed to appear when using File | Preview in Browser.

Hover buttons require Java Virtual Machine which can be
downloaded from http://java.sun.com
However, most people have quit using Hover Buttons
because windows XP / IE6 do not come with JVM installed.

Plus, many people disable Java for security reasons.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| My hover buttons do not appear in preview mode.
| Interestingly, they don't after I publish & look at my
| web page afterwards. I have remove4d all "codebase"
| references as suggested by a friend, but that did not
| change anything.
| Thank you.

bob weibp

You must have FP server extensions working either on your
PC or on the server. Check your hosting server to see
that they have FP extensions available for your version
of FP and installed. Typically the "Ops" page for your
account will let you install the FP extensions. This is
true for other web components such as link bars, page
counters, etc.


Steve Easton

Hover buttons don't require extensions.
They do however, require java virtual machine
which is not installed in windows XP with IE6.

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