Hover Buttons No Display



I made a website with Frontpage 2002. My problem is this.
In Frontpage the hover buttons display 100% but when the
page is viewed in XP the buttons disapear and only the
placeholders are visible. When the same page is displayed
in win 200 or 98 no problem. Can someone please help?

Craig Schiller

Arthur -

Hover buttons require Java. MS no longer includes Java in its OS's after
having lost a lawsuit to Sun. Therefore, common wisdom is to not use
hover buttons as most people will not see them. Use DHTML rollover
effects instead.


Mike Mueller

: I made a website with Frontpage 2002. My problem is this.
: In Frontpage the hover buttons display 100% but when the
: page is viewed in XP the buttons disapear and only the
: placeholders are visible. When the same page is displayed
: in win 200 or 98 no problem. Can someone please help?

Hover buttons are Java applets. You will need to install it
to view them. MS can longer distribute Java so it is not
included with XP or higher. You can download it from
sun.com or install it from an AOL CD.

Because of this, there is a general consensus not to use
Hover buttons, and use an alternative such as javascript or



-----Original Message-----
I made a website with Frontpage 2002. My problem is this.
In Frontpage the hover buttons display 100% but when the
page is viewed in XP the buttons disapear and only the
placeholders are visible. When the same page is displayed
in win 200 or 98 no problem. Can someone please help?

I've got the same problem. We have a Dell with XP that
was installed 2 years ago which displays fine. The new
XP I just installed on a new machine will not display
hover buttons in IE 6 or FrontPage 2002. I've installed
all of the updates for windows xp, but that didn't help
either. I'm in the same boat as Arthur...can't confirm
my sites and links!

Tom Pepper Willett

Hover buttons require Java Virtual Machine which can be
downloaded from http://java.sun.com
However, most people have quit using Hover Buttons
because windows XP / IE6 do not come with JVM installed.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| I made a website with Frontpage 2002. My problem is this.
| In Frontpage the hover buttons display 100% but when the
| page is viewed in XP the buttons disapear and only the
| placeholders are visible. When the same page is displayed
| in win 200 or 98 no problem. Can someone please help?

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