Hover Buttons



Hi there need help upgraded from win 98 to win xp and now
the hover buttons dont work after have built page and are
veiwing wither in preview or when upload site

MD Websunlimited

The hover button depend upon having the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM is not shipped with Windows any longer. I would advise
that you change your hover buttons to JavaScript rollovers.

Tom Pepper Willett

Hover buttons require Java Virtual Machine which can be
downloaded from http://java.sun.com
However, most people have quit using Hover Buttons
because windows XP / IE6 no longer come with JVM installed.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
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| Hi there need help upgraded from win 98 to win xp and now
| the hover buttons dont work after have built page and are
| veiwing wither in preview or when upload site

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