Hover format for hyperlink



I want my hyperlinks to change colour or be underlined (preferably) on mouse
over. I have used Page Properties/ Advanced/ Enable hyperlink rollover
effects - then selected red. It works for links in the centre of the page,
but not for those in the left hand column at
www.standrewstaunton.org.uk/experiment.htm. Am I doing something wrong? Just
an amateur so all advice very welcome - thanks in advance

Dan L

The reason the links on the left don't change to red and aren't underlined is
because you have inline CSS styles overriding the hyperlink style.
In code view find this:
<p align="left" style="margin-top: -4px; margin-bottom: -4px"><b>
<font face="Tahoma" size="1"> <a style="text-decoration: none" title="Learn
about our church community" href="About_us.htm"><font color="#FFFFFF">Welcome
to our Church</font></a></font></b></p>

Notice the "style" that directs text-decoration: none? That overrides any
style sheet that formats your hyperlink. Also, the "font color="#ffffff"
(the font tag is deprecated BTW) directs that the font be white and overrides
any style sheet setting you have for hyperlinks. Remove these syles and
experiment until you get what you want (save with a different file name of
course to preserve your original ;-)

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