hover to create a list of hyperlicnk options



I am new at trying to create web pages, I have taken all the training class
offered on line but I still do not understand what I need to do to get the
following result:

I currently have set up a gourp of interative buttons for the main pages in
my site and want to be albe to hover over the "services" button and have a
list of services pop up to choose from, ie similar to this site under "Office
Discussion Groups" Then under Front Page it shows an arrow indicating there
are choices & it lists the choices. How do I do this? Please Help!!!



(mainly) CSS (all versions of FrontPage):


Also http://www.rxs-enterprises.org/tests/menu/menu-behaviours.htm but
this was produced using Expression Web, which is a little different from

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/


thank you for your help. Using the URL:
http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/jonspivey/menus/index.html-- I was able to get the
layers set up but when I tried to insert the behaviors: I clicked insert but
the "Menu Tools" option did not appear. I have checked my behavior downloads
and I still must have them in the wrong place or something. I have extracted
all the zip files. I have restarted my frontpage to initiate the changes but
they option is still not there. Please help with this step.

Thank you,




You do not have to access any "menu tools"

Under "insert" you should be clicking "change properties" and then go from



To add a behaviour, use View->Task Pane to open a task pane to the right
of the Design pane, then change the dropdown to Behaviours.
Use the Quick Tag selector to pick a tag to add the behaviour to
(usually a hyperlink <a> tag for this menu).
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/


in the Behaviors pane when I click on insert the words "Menu Tools" is not a
choice. I do not know how to use the "change property" feature. I am in the
menu for change property. If I click "Add" it asks for a Prooperty Name &
Property Value. I am not sure what I should be inserting in these places.

In the emai address: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/jonspivey/menus/index.html
the tutorial if printed out on the top of the 6th page states "Click on
out1.gif hit Format - Behaviors to open behaviors window and cloose Insert -
Menu Tools - Close Menu and hit OK."

Are you saying that I need to do something in change property B4 "menu
Tools" will show up??

Please help.



In the Behaviors pane when I click on insert the words "Menu Tools" is not a

In the emai address: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/jonspivey/menus/index.html
the tutorial if printed out on the top of the 6th page states "Click on
out1.gif hit Format - Behaviors to open behaviors window and cloose Insert -
Menu Tools - Close Menu and hit OK."

Should I be choosing "Open Window Browser" or "Go to URL" to get the the
html or js needed to complete the tasks? If so should I be choosing the html
file or the js file from the downloads for each behavior?

Thanks you so much for all your help.

Much appreciated.



I see "menu tools" option in Behaviours task pane, this gives 4 extra

Have you extracted all the behaviours into the correct folder?
The downloaded Zip file contains 4 zip files. The 4 zips should be
extracted to a folder, example your desktop. Then each of those 4 zip
file should be extracted to the
%userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\FrontPage\Behaviors\Actions

If you have problems with the above folder, use the Browse option on the
extraction Wizard, and browse to
C:\Documents and Settings\yourUserName\Application
After extracting the files this folder should contain 8 files dated 8
April 2004, 4 .htm and 4 .js
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.


FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

In the Behaviors pane when I click on insert the words "Menu Tools" is not a

In the emai address: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/jonspivey/menus/index.html
the tutorial if printed out on the top of the 6th page states "Click on
out1.gif hit Format - Behaviors to open behaviors window and cloose Insert -
Menu Tools - Close Menu and hit OK."

Should I be choosing "Open Window Browser" or "Go to URL" to get the the
html or js needed to complete the tasks? If so should I be choosing the html
file or the js file from the downloads for each behavior?

Thanks you so much for all your help.

Much appreciated.


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