Hovering "(Today's date) Press ENTER to insert"



When using Word 2007, I normally compose in the "print" view. Whenever I get
never the bottom of the screen, I'll occasionally see a little hover box that
says, "(today's date) press ENTER to insert." It goes away if I move my
cursoe, but it is very annoying and useless. Any ideas on how to make it



Thanks. Any way to get a suggestion to Microsoft that if they are going to
put annoyances like this in, it would be nice to give users a way to turn it
off instead of just dictating to the users?

Herb Tyson [MVP]

As it turns out, there actually is a way to turn this off in Word 2007, the
statement to the contrary in that article notwithstanding.

If you run the following macro, date AutoComplete should no longer occur:

Sub TurnOffAutoComplete()
Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = False
End Sub

Or, if you prefer a toggle:

Sub ToggleDateAutoComplete()
Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = Not
End Sub

The problem was that AutoText autocomplete was causing problems in the beta
because of the way Building Blocks were implemented. So, autocomplete for
AutoText was removed. In Word 2003 and earlier, the autocomplete checkbox
control both dates AND AutoText. In Word 2007, they disabled autocomplete
for AutoText, but left it enabled for Dates.

At the same time they removed the checkbox from the interface, they
nonetheless left the command in the object model. Hence, you can use this
command to turn off the parts of autocomplete that were NOT removed.

I've verified that this works on my Word 2007, please let me know if it
works for you.

Stefan Blom

It seems as if "cannot be turned off" should be interpreted "cannot be
turned off via the user interface" then.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Beth Melton

Actually, the entire AutoText tab is still available. They remove it from
the AutoCorrect dialog box due to how some of the Building Blocks are named
to avoid confusion. The entire tab is still around:


....and I can confirm the solution works - I it as a solution awhile back
too: :)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


Look athttp://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm.

If you never had any reason to do this before, there's nothing to be
embarrassed about. :)

Jay Freedman
MicrosoftWordMVP FAQ:http://word.mvps.org
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroupso
all may benefit.

- Vis tekst i anførselstegn -

I'm also curious how to permanently turn the autocomplete for dates
off now that the option was removed from the preferences in Word 2007.

I looked at the link for installing macros to remove autocomplete.
There are different ways to implement the macro and I guess the
section "Auto... macros" should be used: "AutoExec - runs when Word is
started or a global template is loaded" - will this be the macro I
need to edit? and where do I edit/create this macro in Word 2007?

Jay Freedman

I'm also curious how to permanently turn the autocomplete for dates
off now that the option was removed from the preferences in Word 2007.

I looked at the link for installing macros to remove autocomplete.
There are different ways to implement the macro and I guess the
section "Auto... macros" should be used: "AutoExec - runs when Word is
started or a global template is loaded" - will this be the macro I
need to edit? and where do I edit/create this macro in Word 2007?

Yes, you would place the line

Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = False

in a macro named AutoExec in a module in your Normal.dotm template, by
itself or with other code you want to run on every startup. (That line is
courtesy of Herb Tyson at

In order to edit macros in Word 2007, first go to Office button > Word
Options and check the option to display the Developer tab on the ribbon. You
only have to do that once. On the developer tab, you'll find a button at the
left to open the VBA editor (or you can press Alt+F11, regardless of whether
the Developer tab is enabled). The VBA editor in 2007 is the same as that in
earlier versions, so you can follow the instructions at
http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm for creating the macro.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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