How 2 -- Have Headers pick up the Last Heading 3 Style?



I've got Heading 3 style for each of of my Rule Headings. I want each
page header to indicate which Rule we're in -- i.e., pick up the
latest Heading 3 text.

Can I do that?

(e-mail address removed)

Charles Kenyon

StyleRef field. Look it up in help. For more, see
Charles Kenyon

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Hi Chuck,

Ok. I did that. I inserted

{ STYLE REF "Heading 3" }

nothging happens. When I turn on reveal field formatting, I see
the field; when I turn it off, all I have is white space in the

Also, the dialog box I get is different from the one that is on the
website you referred me to.

I'm using Word 2000. Does that make a difference?

(e-mail address removed)

In the last exciting episode on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 00:58:42 -0500,

Stefan Blom

STYLEREF is one word, so that could be the problem (unless it was a
typo in your message). Another thing to consider is the following: Are
you using blank paragraphs, that is, pressing Enter twice, to create
spacing above and below headings? If so, the field might be trying to
reference one of those blank paragraphs, which has no text to display.
Avoid blank paragraphs (use Spacing Before or After to create vertical
space between text paragraphs) or at least make sure that they are not
in Heading 3 style.

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