How a to add a Page Break character in .TXT (or .doc file) ?




I have multiple .TXT files. I can combine all .TXT files to a SINGLE .TXT
file (say To_Print.txt ) from my (Powerbuilder Coding, FileRead( ),
FileWrite( ) ). My problem is when I print the To_Print.txt, each file
should print separately (each will print from a NEW page). I mean a page
BREAK at the end of each file. How do I do that?

I tried to add a ^m character (by my program) by concatination at the end of
the each file. The ^m shows in the file, at the end of each of the .txt file
but while printing, no page break at ^m!!!!

I prefer this solution in wordpad type .txt file.

I also need the same solution for Word .DOC file too.

Please explain so that I can follow you.

Bob I

TXT files don't support that "feature". Open in Microsoft Word and click
Insert, Break, Page break.



I asked for a coding solution. What Character I need to concanicate and of
each file to create a page break. You did NOT read my posting!!! Please read

Printer cannot open the file to add a page break!!!


Bob I

I'm sorry, please read the title of the group to which you posted your
question. This is an Office applications newsgroup. Word is the only
Office application you mentioned, and so I described how you would do it
in Office Word. Your question otherwise is not applicable to Microsoft
Office. Perhaps you may ask the people who read the "Powerbuilding"
group your question, as the answer to make this work will be printer

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