How alter Word 2003 doc last page footer without altering other pa


Jane Smythee

How can the last page footer of a Word 2003 document be altered without
altering the information in the footers of the other pages?

A word template document is used with a visual basic program to generate
over 26,000 individual word documents using details from a file. The
individual word documents can have between 2-30 pages. The footer of this
word template document contains a two cell table. Cell 1 of this table must
contain a different value for the first, middle, and last pages of the word
document. For example, the first page cell 1 must be 20. Last page cell 1
must be 10. The middle pages must be 00. The cell 1 values increment for each
document and are not the same for each document.

If a section break is manually or programmatically added before the footer
of the last page, the first page either appears blank or it becomes section 1
with the rest of the pages becoming section 2 even though the goal was for
the last page to become section 2. Inserting a page at the end of the
document and then attempting the section break has the same results.

How can a section break be forced before the last footer without impacting
the other pages?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't need a section break. You can (as I assume you know) use
"Different first page" to get a different footer for the first page in a
section. To get a different value in the last page, you need an IF field:

{ IF { PAGE } = { NUMPAGES } "Text you want on the last page" "Text you want
on the other pages" }

Jane Smythee

Thank you very much for your reply.

Using this method, is there a way to find/replace the last page footer value
with an incremented value or to pass an incremented value to this method? For
example, Doc 1 needs a last page footer value of 10. Doc 2 needs a last page
footer value of 11. Doc 32 wraps back to a last page footer value of 10. The
code is in place to provide this incremented value but a method is needed to
get it into the last page footer without changing the other doc footers.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's probably a way, though I can't tell you exactly what it would be;
you might try asking in one of the word.vba NGs for help. Some possibilities
to consider:

* Find and Replace at its most basic: if field codes are displayed, you can
find and replace text in them just as you would anywhere else, but you'd
have to tell Word where to look.

* You might want to consider using a DocProperty field to insert the number.
Of course, you'd have to find a way to write the value to the document
property, but that can be done, see

I think the latter might be a more productive avenue of investigation for
doing this through automation.

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