How alter word 2003 doc last page footer without altering other pa


Jane Smythee

How can the last page footer of a Word 2003 document programmatically be
altered without altering the other pages?

A word template document is used with a visual basic program to generate
over 26,000 individual word documents using details from a file. The
individual word documents can have between 2-30 pages. The footer of this
word template document contains a two cell table. Cell 1 of this table must
contain a different value for the first, middle, and last pages of the word
document. For example, the first page cell 1 must be 20. Last page cell 1
must be 10. The middle pages must be 00. The cell 1 values increment for each
document and are not the same for each document.

If a section break is manually or programmatically added before the footer
of the last page, the first page either appears blank or it becomes section 1
with the rest of the pages becoming section 2 even though the goal was for
the last page footer to become section 2. Inserting a page at the end of the
document and then attempting the section break has the same results.

How can a section break be forced before the last footer without impacting
the other pages?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Your identical post in the programming newsgroup has been answered. Please
do not post the same question separately to multiple newsgroups.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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