I have a huge problem to get my background to be printed out. After
reading a message here I found out that I needed to explicitly state a
page as a background ( I did that and saved this background with a
light grey colur), after that I went back to the page that needed
this background and opened File/Page Setup/Page properties. In the
combo for background I choosed my newly created background and then
saved. After this I was sure that the background would be printed out
properly, but no, no background color this time either! What am I
doing wrong??
I would really appreciate any help on this issue!
Regards Jenny
reading a message here I found out that I needed to explicitly state a
page as a background ( I did that and saved this background with a
light grey colur), after that I went back to the page that needed
this background and opened File/Page Setup/Page properties. In the
combo for background I choosed my newly created background and then
saved. After this I was sure that the background would be printed out
properly, but no, no background color this time either! What am I
doing wrong??
I would really appreciate any help on this issue!
Regards Jenny