Ivor Davies
Each SharePoint website in EPM DOES HAVE unique issue number ID’s.
I have confirmed this by going back to all of my project sites in EPM and
looking at the issues. Each site has a number 1 issue (for those that I
created issues for) .
If each project site in EPM has it's own unique issue numbering system and
the each project is not sharing a project site with any other project, then
we have a significant problem with the EPM Issue Management System!
We have currently opened 295 issues in EPM for one specific project. The
last issue opened in the site in EPM was logged as Issue ID #1968. If each
project site in EPM has it's own unique issue numbering system and the EPM
site is not sharing a project site with any other project, this means that
someone has logged and deleted 1673 issues. (True??).
I am very confident that no member of the projoect team has deleted any
issues, but even if every team member did delete one or two issues in error,
there is no way that we could have deleted 1673 issues.
So how come the last issue # is 1968?
How does EPM assign issue id numbers? I thought that it would be in a
sequential order? Is this not true?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
I have confirmed this by going back to all of my project sites in EPM and
looking at the issues. Each site has a number 1 issue (for those that I
created issues for) .
If each project site in EPM has it's own unique issue numbering system and
the each project is not sharing a project site with any other project, then
we have a significant problem with the EPM Issue Management System!
We have currently opened 295 issues in EPM for one specific project. The
last issue opened in the site in EPM was logged as Issue ID #1968. If each
project site in EPM has it's own unique issue numbering system and the EPM
site is not sharing a project site with any other project, this means that
someone has logged and deleted 1673 issues. (True??).
I am very confident that no member of the projoect team has deleted any
issues, but even if every team member did delete one or two issues in error,
there is no way that we could have deleted 1673 issues.
So how come the last issue # is 1968?
How does EPM assign issue id numbers? I thought that it would be in a
sequential order? Is this not true?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.