How best to...?



Why am I thinking of work stuff on the weekend?!?

I'm hoping someone out there has something to teach a newer user. Thi
is a super group that seems to be very patient.

*Sheet1*: I have a table that is 6x19 - $K$8:$P$26. There could b
values in any of the fields, and their location within the table coul
be anywhere.


The 3 digit alpha values would not be duplicated in $K$8:$O$26.

*Sheet2*: I need to take the value of a cell (say R119 is OFE, althoug
there will be a number of them throughout Sheet2) find a match in Sheet
$K$8:$O$26 ($L$9) of the and return a corresponding value from Sheet
$P$8:$P$26 ($P$9 - 876) that is on the same row as the Sheet2 R11

Vlookup is really the only function I have used up until now, but
tried to pull some formulas together after viewing the Contextures sit
(probably even some really creative, never before tried combination
:Bgr ) using Index, Match, Vlookup & derivatives of, but have not bee
successful. Unless my lookup value is in column K, which then return
my numeric value.

Any insight would be greatly Excel VBA for dummies i
on order at my local bookstore. I am not necessarily looking for VBA o
this, just hoping a few functions will do the trick.


Bernie Deitrick


This seems to work okay - I'm assuming that all your numeric values are in
column P....


MS Excel MVP



Thanks Bernie, this gave me exactly what I was looking for.

I am now off to find out everything I can about the 'SUMPRODUCT
function so I know exactly what it is doing!

It amazes me how you guys can figure this out in such a short tim
while I have struggled for DAYS with it. Guess that's why you're th
MVP & get paid the big bucks Blink1

This place is the BEST...luv


Jacob Skaria



You guys are AWESOME!!

Based on some research I did, including the link Jacob provided, I ca
understand what the formula Bernie posted does. I've learned a ne
function within Excel aha!

I was further able to define the table ranges with names; again thank
to the folks here at the site.

I tried to click the 'Thanks' button in a couple of places in thi
thread, but receive an error:
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not a
array in [path]/post_thanks.php on line 57

Please consider yourselves THANKED with much appreciation

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