how big is too big in powerpoint



I haev to create a PowerPoint Presentation with extensive graphics, videos,
and embedded flash. I have done this before and ended up with a presentation
over over 90MBs. This new presentation could easily be bigger. I know all
the tricks to reduce file size (no fast save, insert pictures instead of
copying and pasting, etc.) but what I don't know is how big can a
presentation get before it become to big to play on most computers. I have a
computer with a lot of memory, and things that work fine on mine might not on how big is too big for a powerpoint presentation

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

There is no limit in PPT to file sizes, only limits in the patience of
the user in opening and saving files (g).

We don't have any hard and fast rules to this but if I was doing a
project that would result in 100mb+ I'd probably break it up into
pieces that were in the 20-30 mb range each and control them from a
single page PPT file using hyperlinks to open each of the other files.
In fact if you have hyperlinks to other files for a presentation, it
is helpful to open all the files before the presentation. Then the
hyperlinks just have to activate that Window and not actually open the
file. Much faster.
Brian Reilly, MVP

Troy @ TLC Creative

You are thinking right - the real issue is what other computers is the
presentation going to be played on and how is it to be distributed. Size is
not a large factor - depending on the computer running it. As example I just
finished a large project (5 hour meeting of continuous graphics and
animation) with the presentation being over 350 MB. All ran fine on my
computers, but broke it into a number of smaller presentations before
handing over to the client for their archives.

Usually anything under 50 MB on a computer with at least 16 MB of dedicated
video ram is going to run fine.

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP

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