how can ı add musıc to my web site



You will notice that no one was quick to offer an answer. That's probably
because most people hate having to listen to musac in a website, unless they
choose to do so. Personally I will leave a site immediately if musac is
forced on me. With that said, if you are using Pub 2003 go to Tools > Web
Page Options and at the bottom of that dialog is Background Sound. Seriously
though, consider how many people you will alienate before you decide to add
musac to your site. Just my 2 cents worth...


Mike Koewler


Maybe alex just wants to put a link to a sound file? It's hard to tell,
as he used white text to frame his question.

Just in case he has good intentions and isn't going to play idiot
designer and try to force music on a visitor:

Create a hyperlink to the sound file - mp3 is probably the best choice.
Upload the MP3 file to your site, and you should be good to go.



Yeah, good point. I guess I got lazy...again.

I guess I am one of those educated idiots you talked about ;-) I am still
chuckling over that one. I always wondered what to call myself, and now I
know. My problem is I know enough to know, just how little I know.


JoAnn Paules [MVP]

I like that expression too. Perhaps being an educated idiot isn't a bad
thing with computers. I've often said that I know enough to be dangerous but
at least I know when I'm in over my head and will not cross that point on
someone else's computer. And I tread very carefully over that point on my
own. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

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