How can a frame be opened from a page if it is not open already ?



I have a website with a frame with a menu to the left and the
informationpages in the right frame side. But Google has linked directely to
the page so if a user click on the link they only get th einformtion page
without the frame.
How can I make th epage open/redirect to th eframe page BUT only if it is
not open already (else ther will be a infinite loop).

Martin Chantler

Hi Bob,

I don't think this is possible.

What I have done on my site is add this at the bottom of the page:-

Only got this frame? Click Here

Where the Click Here is a link back to my main site page, which displays the
menus etc.

Hope this helps?

All the best,


Hi Martin

Thanks. Your advice is a good idea.

I have searched some more for an automatic solution and has actually found
this code to be inserted in each page, and it works !

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


if (top == self) self.location.href = "index.htm";

// -->;



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