How can a Macintosh open a scanned Word doc from a PC?



I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save them as Word
docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word docs I send him. Is it
because of the differences between a MAC and a PC?

Graham Mayor

A 'scanned' document? Scans of documents are graphics and not editable in
Word. Could this be your problem?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between Mac & PC
docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word the file formats are
identical, although what's been done _in_ the doc can create compatibility
issues in either direction. The problem, however, is most likely related to
one or more of the following:

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further determination. If
you supply complete details - including versions - perhaps it can be
resolved here. We need to know exactly what happens from the time the files
"come in" (including how they "come in" - email, snail mail, carrier
pigeon?) to the time your boss tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


We are both using Microsoft Office 2000. The document I scanned was a Word
doc that my boss wanted to edit. I scanned it as a pdf file then emailed it,
but he couldn't open it so I resaved the pdf file as a Word doc, and emailed
it again. When he clicked on the document he opened on his Mac the entire
text was in a "box", just like the pdf file. When I scan the document I
can't save it in a Word format to email to him. I didn't go into the
permissions directory, but I will try that next.

CyberTaz said:
When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between Mac & PC
docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word the file formats are
identical, although what's been done _in_ the doc can create compatibility
issues in either direction. The problem, however, is most likely related to
one or more of the following:

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further determination. If
you supply complete details - including versions - perhaps it can be
resolved here. We need to know exactly what happens from the time the files
"come in" (including how they "come in" - email, snail mail, carrier
pigeon?) to the time your boss tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save them as Word
docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word docs I send him. Is it
because of the differences between a MAC and a PC?

Graham Mayor

As I said earlier, Word cannot edit graphics. PDF is a graphics format - a
picture of the document! If you want a scanned document to be editable you
must use OCR software to convert graphics to text.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
We are both using Microsoft Office 2000. The document I scanned was
a Word doc that my boss wanted to edit. I scanned it as a pdf file
then emailed it, but he couldn't open it so I resaved the pdf file as
a Word doc, and emailed it again. When he clicked on the document he
opened on his Mac the entire text was in a "box", just like the pdf
file. When I scan the document I can't save it in a Word format to
email to him. I didn't go into the permissions directory, but I will
try that next.

CyberTaz said:
When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between
Mac & PC docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word the
file formats are identical, although what's been done _in_ the doc
can create compatibility issues in either direction. The problem,
however, is most likely related to one or more of the following:

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further
determination. If you supply complete details - including versions -
perhaps it can be resolved here. We need to know exactly what
happens from the time the files "come in" (including how they "come
in" - email, snail mail, carrier pigeon?) to the time your boss
tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save
them as Word docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word
docs I send him. Is it because of the differences between a MAC
and a PC?


Well... If the boss is using Office 2000 he isn't on a Mac & if he's on a
Mac he's not using Office 2000. I'm afraid you're still leaving out
pertinent details - such as what program are you using to scan to a PDF,
what you're using to "resave the PDF as a Word doc", etc.

As Graham has pointed out, Word cannot edit PDFs. Since you're emailing the
file the permissions issue isn't the problem. Therefore, it must be a matter
of the file you're sending or how the email configuration is handling the
file. There has to be more to the story :)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

We are both using Microsoft Office 2000. The document I scanned was a Word
doc that my boss wanted to edit. I scanned it as a pdf file then emailed it,
but he couldn't open it so I resaved the pdf file as a Word doc, and emailed
it again. When he clicked on the document he opened on his Mac the entire
text was in a "box", just like the pdf file. When I scan the document I
can't save it in a Word format to email to him. I didn't go into the
permissions directory, but I will try that next.

CyberTaz said:
When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between Mac & PC
docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word the file formats are
identical, although what's been done _in_ the doc can create compatibility
issues in either direction. The problem, however, is most likely related to
one or more of the following:

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further determination. If
you supply complete details - including versions - perhaps it can be
resolved here. We need to know exactly what happens from the time the files
"come in" (including how they "come in" - email, snail mail, carrier
pigeon?) to the time your boss tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save them as Word
docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word docs I send him. Is
because of the differences between a MAC and a PC?


All I'm trying to do is scan a Word doc and email it so that the person who
receives the email can edit the doc. There are no graphics, although I
understand exactly what you're saying. However after I scanned the doc it
would not allow me to save it as a Word document. I haven't had this problem
until we got a brand new monster all in one HP copier, scanner and printer.
Any suggestions?
P.S. Thanks for your help!

Graham Mayor said:
As I said earlier, Word cannot edit graphics. PDF is a graphics format - a
picture of the document! If you want a scanned document to be editable you
must use OCR software to convert graphics to text.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
We are both using Microsoft Office 2000. The document I scanned was
a Word doc that my boss wanted to edit. I scanned it as a pdf file
then emailed it, but he couldn't open it so I resaved the pdf file as
a Word doc, and emailed it again. When he clicked on the document he
opened on his Mac the entire text was in a "box", just like the pdf
file. When I scan the document I can't save it in a Word format to
email to him. I didn't go into the permissions directory, but I will
try that next.

CyberTaz said:
When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between
Mac & PC docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word the
file formats are identical, although what's been done _in_ the doc
can create compatibility issues in either direction. The problem,
however, is most likely related to one or more of the following:

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further
determination. If you supply complete details - including versions -
perhaps it can be resolved here. We need to know exactly what
happens from the time the files "come in" (including how they "come
in" - email, snail mail, carrier pigeon?) to the time your boss
tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 5/30/07 5:51 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Marilyn"

I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save
them as Word docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word
docs I send him. Is it because of the differences between a MAC
and a PC?

Graham Mayor

The *ONLY* way to put a document through a scanner and produce an editable
document at the end is to use OCR software. Any other method produces a
graphical image of the document. Your scanner is not the problem. It is how
you are using it that is.

1. You may have been supplied something suitable with your scanner's
software package.
2 .There is a rudimentary OCR software package included with Office (though
not installed by default) called Microsoft Office Document Imaging. It will
not retain the formatting of the document.
3. If you don't have OCR software and '2' is no use to you, you will have to
buy some OCR software. My personal choice would be Finereader 8.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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All I'm trying to do is scan a Word doc and email it so that the
person who receives the email can edit the doc. There are no
graphics, although I understand exactly what you're saying. However
after I scanned the doc it would not allow me to save it as a Word
document. I haven't had this problem until we got a brand new
monster all in one HP copier, scanner and printer. Any suggestions?
P.S. Thanks for your help!

Graham Mayor said:
As I said earlier, Word cannot edit graphics. PDF is a graphics
format - a picture of the document! If you want a scanned document
to be editable you must use OCR software to convert graphics to text.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
We are both using Microsoft Office 2000. The document I scanned was
a Word doc that my boss wanted to edit. I scanned it as a pdf file
then emailed it, but he couldn't open it so I resaved the pdf file
as a Word doc, and emailed it again. When he clicked on the
document he opened on his Mac the entire text was in a "box", just
like the pdf file. When I scan the document I can't save it in a
Word format to email to him. I didn't go into the permissions
directory, but I will try that next.


When it comes to Word files there is [almost] no difference between
Mac & PC docs. Unless they're using a *very* old version of Word
the file formats are identical, although what's been done _in_ the
doc can create compatibility issues in either direction. The
problem, however, is most likely related to one or more of the

1- "What" you are actually sending to the boss,

2- "How" you are sending it to the boss,

3- Whether the boss has write permissions in the stored directory

However, you don't provide enough info to make any further
determination. If you supply complete details - including versions
- perhaps it can be resolved here. We need to know exactly what
happens from the time the files "come in" (including how they "come
in" - email, snail mail, carrier pigeon?) to the time your boss
tries to edit them.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 5/30/07 5:51 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Marilyn"

I can open the Mac docs when they come into the office and save
them as Word docs, but my boss can only open and not edit the Word
docs I send him. Is it because of the differences between a MAC
and a PC?

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