How can Access Sendobject use a field value in the email title?



My database has users submit their data using Sendobject. Table data is
submitted in html format attached to an email and then imported into a master
database. If possible, I would like to pick up a field value to title the
email and/or the name of the object. I have about 400 submissions from field
sites around the world. We are manually retitling these as we download from
Outlook. Big waste of time. Unfortunately, my organization will not accept
a front-end/back-end solution permitting web-based input. Emailing is the
only work-around we have found.

Steve Schapel


You can refer to a data value in the Subject argument of the SendObject
action in the macro. It depends what you mean by "pick up a field
value" really. If you mean to reference the value of a field in a table
or query, you would have to specify which record you mean. The use of
the DLookup() function may be applicable. Otherwise, it may be
applicable to reference the value of a control on a form which is open
at the current record at the time the macro is run.

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