how can convert the numbers seperated by ',' from Office97?



I have trouble with my software, I've kept my documents in Word97 in my
database and most of them are in Farsi, Word97 uses the ',' as seperator for
numbers. Now I've changed my Office to XP and these numbers are goint to miss
placed, for instance the number 123,563 in 97 now is shown like 563,123!!!

Now I want to know what I should do regarding to solve this problem. How
should I change all the seperators in more than thousands of files in my

please help me because I have more that 100 cutomers using this system and
i'm gonna loose them!

Tony Jollans

I don't think the separator is the problem - it is still using the comma.
This is just a guess but do you have Farsi set up as a language in your
Office XP - and all the correct right-to-left settings?


Word itself doesn't use any particular separator: it reads this from the
Windows regional setting. Which is under your control.

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