How can I activate the Reading Pane.



The readiong pane doesn't show on the Outlook screen. When I open the View
menu the Reading Pane link is gray and I can't activate it to show the pane.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Check your startup shortcut to ensure it does not have the /nopreview
switch. If it does, just remove it and replace it with the /recycle switch.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jimgil asked:

| The readiong pane doesn't show on the Outlook screen. When I open
| the View menu the Reading Pane link is gray and I can't activate it
| to show the pane.

Charlie Shaw

I have the /recycle switch in my Outlook shortcut, but I still have the
Reading Pane selection greyed out in the View menu. I also tried the inbox
repair tool, but this didn't resolve the issue. The Readiung Pane has always
worked fine up until today (I have had the recycle switch in place for some

Louis James

I am having the same problem. This morning the Reading Pane was there but
now I can't select it. It's grayed out. Any help would be appreciated.

Charlie Shaw said:
I have the /recycle switch in my Outlook shortcut, but I still have the
Reading Pane selection greyed out in the View menu. I also tried the inbox
repair tool, but this didn't resolve the issue. The Readiung Pane has always
worked fine up until today (I have had the recycle switch in place for some

Milly Staples said:
Check your startup shortcut to ensure it does not have the /nopreview
switch. If it does, just remove it and replace it with the /recycle switch.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jimgil asked:

| The readiong pane doesn't show on the Outlook screen. When I open
| the View menu the Reading Pane link is gray and I can't activate it
| to show the pane.


I'm having the same issue. Reading pane was working fine earlier today.
Here is all I've done to Outlook 2007 today:

I was having issues with Instant Search not working - I had to uninstall WDS
and reinstall to get that working.

I also got a Windows Update that included several Outlook 2003 fixes, junk
mail filters, etc. I rebooted after the update.

Then a little later in the day I got an error that Outlook was not my
default email client (I use no other, so it should have been), and it said to
run outlook, but Outlook would not run. So I reinstalled Outlook.

After reinstalling Outlook 2007 I no longer had the reading pane option -
it's grayed out.

My short cut has /recycle.

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