oops, really sorry for that, I meant the image in byte[], I typed it wrong
once and once again, sorry for the confusing......
I want to add the byte[] image directly into stencil as a master, or draw
it onto the drawing page. I have checked the SDK, I didn't find the
way to deal with it.
AlEdlund said:
I apologize, I still don't understand what you mean by image. I get the
impression you might be talking about an array/collection (data[]). Is it
array of strings, integers, objects....... I am unaware of a mechanism
Visio to natively handle a stream. Have you checked out the visio sdk on
msdn for c# examples...
landing said:
Hi, Aledlund,
the image is stored in database in data[] format. Actually, I want to
the data array image directly into stencil as a master, or draw it
onto the visio page, instead of exporting the image to disk and then
importing into visio.
And I wonder there is some way to import some sort of stream to visio .
Is there any c# solution?
Thank you very much
How about a little more information? What do you mean by images, and
you expect the 'shape' to do with them?
I need to retrieve the images in data[] type in database and draw to
visio shape, and I can convert the data[] into the Image type in c#,
but I
can't find the way that the shape can use it directly. Anyone has
about that?
Thx very much.