Hi All,
How can I add a from parameter to change the email that is sent by the form
to be sent by a particular email address? The code is below -
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="TEXT/PRE"
s-email-address="(e-mail address removed)" b-email-label-fields="TRUE"
b-email-replyto-from-field="TRUE" s-email-replyto="Email"
b-email-subject-from-field="TRUE" s-email-subject="Form" s-builtin-fields
s-form-fields="Form TypeOfEnquiry TypeOfFunction RequiredDate RequiredTime
NumberOfGuests How_Did_You_Hear_About_Us AdditionalComments ContactName
HomePhone BusinessPhone Fax Email " u-confirmation-url="_private/reply.htm"
startspan --><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0"><!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" -->
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
How can I add a from parameter to change the email that is sent by the form
to be sent by a particular email address? The code is below -
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="TEXT/PRE"
s-email-address="(e-mail address removed)" b-email-label-fields="TRUE"
b-email-replyto-from-field="TRUE" s-email-replyto="Email"
b-email-subject-from-field="TRUE" s-email-subject="Form" s-builtin-fields
s-form-fields="Form TypeOfEnquiry TypeOfFunction RequiredDate RequiredTime
NumberOfGuests How_Did_You_Hear_About_Us AdditionalComments ContactName
HomePhone BusinessPhone Fax Email " u-confirmation-url="_private/reply.htm"
startspan --><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0"><!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" -->
Thanks in advance
Best Regards