How can I add a material list to a task


Don V

I am using MS Project 2003
I would like to know how I can add a list of materials and tools needed for
a task, and print a report for each task.
We are in a large, high security building. We have 2 rooms for storage for
all of the tools and materials which is about 175 feet apart. Most of the
work being done is about 300 to 400 feet away from the material. Last week we
started this job and I saw a lot of wasted time forgetting materials and
special tools needed for the task.
Can this be done using MS Project 2003?
Below is an example of what kind of report I would like to have.
Task Description: Install 100' 3/4" emt Conduit pipe,
Location : Upstairs Hallway
Persons : Larry, Curly, Moe
Tools needed : Reamer
2 Ladders

Materials Needed: 125' 3/4" Emt pipe
2 Sq Emt Box
5 Set srcew male adapters


Don V said:
I am using MS Project 2003
I would like to know how I can add a list of materials and tools needed for
a task, and print a report for each task.
We are in a large, high security building. We have 2 rooms for storage for
all of the tools and materials which is about 175 feet apart. Most of the
work being done is about 300 to 400 feet away from the material. Last week we
started this job and I saw a lot of wasted time forgetting materials and
special tools needed for the task.
Can this be done using MS Project 2003?
Below is an example of what kind of report I would like to have.
Task Description: Install 100' 3/4" emt Conduit pipe,
Location : Upstairs Hallway
Persons : Larry, Curly, Moe
Tools needed : Reamer
2 Ladders

Materials Needed: 125' 3/4" Emt pipe
2 Sq Emt Box
5 Set srcew male adapters

Project's forte is planning and scheduling. Although Project could be
used to set up your tasks and assign both labor and non-labor resources,
it sounds like what you really need is a simple checklist. I don't see
anything in your description that eludes to scheduling, but then, maybe
I'm missing something.

If all you really need to do is to track tools and materials for each
job, I recommend you set something up in Excel.

Project MVP

Mike Glen

Hi Don,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You could insert the Notes column and write in the tools requirements there.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hi Don,

Another option is to use the text fields, one for materials (although
materials can be added under resources), one for location and one for tools.

You can then sort say on Location and run a report of all the tasks, start
times, durations, tools required, resources, and materials for that location.
Using a date field you could also set a date to be x days ahead of the
status date. Then set the report to only show tasks that have not finished
but started or were to start before the date set in the custome field.

Hope this is of help.



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