How can I add an extra name to a drop down list ?



We are using Access2003 on WinXP. We have a database in which there is a
form for entering client data into a client data table. The client name
comes from a client name table and is selected via a drop down list in the
client data form. This is good for 90% of clients who are repeat clients.
10% are new clients, so each time we have a new client I have to add the
client name to the client name table, then go back to the form to enter data
into the client data table. Is there any smart way I can add a new client
name into the client name table and to the drop down list without leaving
the client data form.

thanks ... Roger

Linq Adams via

You'll need to set the combobox LimitToList Property to Yes, then use the
NotInList event of the combobox. If you enter the term *** NoInList *** as a
single word, in the search box here, you'll get over a thousand hits.

John W. Vinson

We are using Access2003 on WinXP. We have a database in which there is a
form for entering client data into a client data table. The client name
comes from a client name table and is selected via a drop down list in the
client data form. This is good for 90% of clients who are repeat clients.
10% are new clients, so each time we have a new client I have to add the
client name to the client name table, then go back to the form to enter data
into the client data table. Is there any smart way I can add a new client
name into the client name table and to the drop down list without leaving
the client data form.

thanks ... Roger


Thanks for reply, yes there are always different ways to doing things ... I
guess it's pretty much a learning curve. I have found some code which is
basically what I want to do, but not exactly. I have written the following
which works, but has a couple of problems

#1 the procedure for the response when trying to add a name not in the NAME
field combo list in the AddDATA form is .......

Private Sub NAME_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)

If MsgBox("This is not in the list ! Do you want to add this NAME to the
list?", _

vbYesNo) Then

DoCmd.OpenForm "AddNAME", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog, NewData

Response = acDataErrAdded


Response = acDataErrContinue

End If

End Sub

#2 in the form to add the new name (form AddNAME) I have the following in
the ON LOAD procedure

Private Sub Form_Load()

If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) = False Then

Me.NAME = Me.OpenArgs

End If

End Sub

I have 2 problems, first if I click on "NO" in NAME_NotInList, it responds
the same as a yes ! Secondly, the procedure in Form_Load to add the name
works fine, but how do I close the AddNAME form and return to the AddDATA
form automatically after the new NAME has been added ?

Thanks for your help .. Roger

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