How can I add up how often certain text occurs?


Martin M

Hi everyone.

My problem is to add up how often certain text occurs in a column. Doing
this when the cells I want to use are sequential eg B2 - B12, is easy. I use
What I can't do is add up when the cells aren't sequential eg B2 - B5, B7,
B10 - B12.
I try =COUNTIF(B2:B5,B7,B10:B12,"E"), but excel tells me I've entered too
many arguements. Using colons and commas in this way works when I add
numbers, but not when I add occurences of text, and I don't know why!

Any help would be gratefully recieved.

Many thanks, Martin

Ms. P.

Is there a reason why you can use the cells sequentially? Unless the cells
you're omitting contain the result you're looking for, it shouldn't count
them right, or am I missing something?






Hope this helps!


Hello Martin

You already have the answer using =COUNTIF(A1:A12,"E") will add onl
E's even if you have other letters within the range.

Hope this help

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