How can I associate an InfoPath 2007 control to a data source fieldthat already exists


Larry W. Virden

I am building an IP 2007 form. In the process, I have a field that I
am going to use to hold information to be used at Submit time.

So, while I was designing the form, I went ahead and deleted the
control associated with the field, since I don't want that to appear
in the actual form.

Now it's been a while and I realize that a control displaying what is
accumulated in that data source field would be a nice debugging
feature. I can always delete it afterwards (is there a way to specify
that a particular control should just not be visible? that would allow
me to keep the debugging control around for later use if necessary.)

When I read the help information, it seems to imply there is a way to
drag a control onto the form and be prompted as to which data source
field it should use. I just haven't been able to figure out the
specifics of getting that to work. When I drag a control, I just get a
new data source field, and trying to change the name to the existing
field fails with an error saying that name is already being used.

Can someone please share what I am missing in the process?

Thank you so much.

Larry W. Virden

I am building an IP 2007 form. In the process, I have a field that I
am going to use to hold information to be used at Submit time.

So, while I was designing the form, I went ahead and deleted the
control associated with the field, since I don't want  that to appear
in the actual form.

Now it's been a while and I realize that a control displaying what is
accumulated in that data source field would be a nice debugging
feature. I can always delete it afterwards (is there a way to specify
that a particular control should just not be visible? that would allow
me to keep the debugging control around for later use if necessary.)

When I read the help information, it seems to imply there is a way to
drag a control onto the form and be prompted as to which data source
field it should use. I just haven't been able to figure out the
specifics of getting that to work. When I drag a control, I just get a
new data source field, and trying to change the name to the existing
field fails with an error saying that name is already being used.

Can someone please share what I am missing in the process?

Thank you so much.

Well, I took the "easy" way out for this issue, renamed the original
field, created a new one, set the new one up like the old one then
deleted the old one.
It would still be useful to know how to do this and how to hide the
control, though.


Larry there is a option box at the bottom of the tools menu that will allow
you to turn off the Auto Create DataSoure. Once you do that, drag your
control over to the form. You may then bind it what you want with out the dup

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