i have an access db which is linked via mailmerge into a word form.
what i would like to do if possible is automatically save the file in a
set location with a name dependant on several fields/bookmarks within
the form. i would also like to change the format to RTF.
the file name is made up like
(csr ref) 000000, (Site name) lane ends, (drawing type) construction,
(dwg status) approved
012345 lane ends construction approved
the dwg status will need to come from an IF stament as two fileds need
to be shown as approved... ie
approver 1 status App
approver 2 status Rejected
the drawing status will be rejected
i also need help with the IF statement..
Thanks in advanced
what i would like to do if possible is automatically save the file in a
set location with a name dependant on several fields/bookmarks within
the form. i would also like to change the format to RTF.
the file name is made up like
(csr ref) 000000, (Site name) lane ends, (drawing type) construction,
(dwg status) approved
012345 lane ends construction approved
the dwg status will need to come from an IF stament as two fileds need
to be shown as approved... ie
approver 1 status App
approver 2 status Rejected
the drawing status will be rejected
i also need help with the IF statement..
Thanks in advanced