How can I be in charge of the way I like to type a list of things, not Word



As a new user, I like to know how I can disable Word 2002, to take over
when I like to type a list of things. I begin to type 1. tab and then I
start writing, I'm not done with what I want to write for that No 1 item,
and Word just assumes it is item # 2 already. How do I get rid of that
assumption stuff. Then BTW, the minute I get rid of the 2, which is just
the second line, all sorts of formatting is happening that I don't want. It
drives me nuts. Please give me gentle help if you don't mind, I'm new at
this............Thank you in advance

Mike Williams [MVP]

PeterM said:
As a new user, I like to know how I can disable Word 2002, to take
over when I like to type a list of things. I begin to type 1. tab and
then I start writing, I'm not done with what I want to write for that
No 1 item, and Word just assumes it is item # 2 already. How do I get
rid of that assumption stuff. Then BTW, the minute I get rid of the
2, which is just the second line, all sorts of formatting is
happening that I don't want. It drives me nuts. Please give me gentle
help if you don't mind, I'm new at this............Thank you in

Look under Tools > AutoCorrect options to turn off features. You can also
hit undo (Ctrl+Z) immediately after any auto-action to return you to the
state you were in.

Word processors are very powerful tools - to make good use of them read a
book or take some training. Otherwise, if you really just want an electronic
typewriter, use a simple free text-editor like Wordpad.

Mike Williams - Office MVP

Please respond in the same thread on this newsgroup - not by email!
Include details of your application and Windows versions, plus any
service pack updates. Answers may also be found by reading recent
posts, checking the FAQs or searching the relevant Google archive at.
If something doesn't make sense, it could be worse e.g.


Thanks Mike, it feels better already, honestly much better. I will take you
advise and do the hard stuff a little down the road, but for the time being,
I don't want to be frustrated with all that sophisticated stuff. I will try
I promise. Thanks again..............Peter


Rather than disabling it and turning it into an expensive
typewriter, you would do well to learn how to let it do a
lot of the work for you. For starters, go to
..html. It explains things from the very beginning,
including explaining the differences between using a
typewriter and using a word processor. It sounds to me as
if you are pressing the Enter key at the end of every
line. Also, there are a lot of ways in which Word tries
to "help". See
for more information about this. The MVP site is another
good resource.


Thank you for this nice information, I'm motivated to try a little harder.
I'm a senior, and thought I couldn't really learn any new tricks. I know I
know plenty of old people doing well. BTW you're right, I was hitting the
Enter key at the end of the line. Here is what I was doing. I like little
reminders, nice things to read that I write down, then I laminate the small
item, size of a credit card/business card, and then I read it several times
a day. If I would know how to make something like a template, or a small
table, the exact size of a business card, maybe even with a dotted line so I
can cut it out, I'm sure the writing would wrap to that size and I wouldn't
have to hit the Enter key, be in hog heaven. Could you find it in your
heart to maybe give me a hint as to how to do that ? Many thanks for all of
your help........Peter

Graham Mayor

Come on Peter, you are old not stupid. Don't put yourself down.

The simplest way to do this would be to actually treat the document as
business cards.

If you look at the envelope/label tool, select labels and pick yourself one
of the huge variety of labels available - there is one for business cards.
When you are happy with the chosen size. Click new document. This will give
you a page full of labels that you can enter your notes into. If you select
the table and add a dotted border to the cells, you can even have a guide
for cutting out. Print on thin card or whatever.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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Web site
Word MVP web site
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