As a new user, I like to know how I can disable Word 2002, to take over
when I like to type a list of things. I begin to type 1. tab and then I
start writing, I'm not done with what I want to write for that No 1 item,
and Word just assumes it is item # 2 already. How do I get rid of that
assumption stuff. Then BTW, the minute I get rid of the 2, which is just
the second line, all sorts of formatting is happening that I don't want. It
drives me nuts. Please give me gentle help if you don't mind, I'm new at
this............Thank you in advance
when I like to type a list of things. I begin to type 1. tab and then I
start writing, I'm not done with what I want to write for that No 1 item,
and Word just assumes it is item # 2 already. How do I get rid of that
assumption stuff. Then BTW, the minute I get rid of the 2, which is just
the second line, all sorts of formatting is happening that I don't want. It
drives me nuts. Please give me gentle help if you don't mind, I'm new at
this............Thank you in advance