Well...it'll depend a lot on what's needed in the doc, such as how
many "parts" you have to add, how large/complex they are and whether
the user will need to change them often or make additional edits
within them, as well as how much control the users can have.
Here are samples of a couple I've done:
For one I used MultiPages to present various dialogs asking what was
needed to walk the user through, more like a Wizard. Since much of the
content was small paras, I was able to create the content and save it
off to AutoText that was then called when the user selected that
requirement to be within the document from the Wizard. The content is
then "rewrapped" with the same bookmark so it can be replaced, if
necessary...i.e., the user changes his mind and reruns the wizard on
the same document. Form fields are placed in some locations for added
The second allowed more freedom to the user by providing some
boilerplate content and some open areas for the user to enter
info...but provided the headers so they would remember to add some
information for each of the areas required.
A somewhat similar type is this one:
It was an employee review, but acted somewhat like a wizard walking
the user through the pages (again multipage controls that allowed
moving back and forth).
Again, items were rewrapped so it could be changed in the future, but
due to the size and number of items that were needed to be
inserted...they were individual (small) documents with each para or
pages with several items that were bookmarked so they could be
retrieved from the larger page and inserted into the final document
(all kept in a sub folder to the master template...on a network).
This one was much more complex, however, because previously entered
content from form fields needed to be preserved if the doc was
updated...so DocVariables were used to capture all form field content
and readd into the array of fields when the update was rebuilt!
So as you can see...there are a lot of variables to consider. You
should sit down with the users and people requesting this and get ALL
the details of what they need and what they expect it to do. Then make
up a prototype with some multipages to see if that's what they want.
Hope this helps...
Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified, Editor/TechTrax
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