How can I change a chart's name?



I have a lot of charts in a woorkbook and need to refer to them in my VBA. I
cannot know the names (numbers) of all the charts. mHow can I change a
chart's name so it is easy to find them ?

John Mansfield


These macros should help:

Sub GetChartName()
MsgBox "The chart name is: " & ActiveChart.Parent.Name
End Sub

Sub RenameChart()
ActiveChart.Parent.Name = Chart1
End Sub

Debra Dalgleish

John forgot the quote marks in his RenameChart macro:

Sub RenameChart()
ActiveChart.Parent.Name = "Chart1"
End Sub

Or, to rename a chart manually:

Hold the Ctrl key, and click on the chart to select it
Click in the Name Box, to the left of the formula bar
Type a new name for the chart
Press the Enter key

Tushar Mehta

While John and Debra have given you the technical solution, I don't know
how useful they will be. You have to have some way to identify each of
the charts *before* you rename them. Otherwise, how will you know what
name to assign to what chart?


Tushar Mehta
Multi-disciplinary business expertise
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Recipient Microsoft MVP award 2000-2005

John Mansfield


Tushar has a good point. Hopefully these macros will help too:

If you're working with embedded charts, this will give you the name of each
chart on the worksheet. You may need to add a different destination range.

Sub ListChartNames()
Dim Cht As ChartObject
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
For Each Cht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Rng.Value = Cht.Chart.Parent.Name
Set Rng = Rng.Offset(1, 0)
Next Cht
End Sub

This macro will rename each embedded chart in a sequential fashion if
needed. If you have a lot of charts and need to create some kind of logic
for naming them all, maybe this will help.

Sub NameSequentialCharts()
Dim Cht As ChartObject
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
For Each Cht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Cht.Chart.Parent.Name = "Chart" & i
i = i + 1
Next Cht
End Sub

I forgot to mention before, for the first set of macros to work you much
activate the embedded chart first.

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