Ron Weiner
From Access help
Time Statement Example
This example uses the Time statement to set the computer system time to a
user-defined time.
Dim MyTime
MyTime = #4:35:17 PM# ' Assign a time.
Time = MyTime ' Set system time to MyTime.Date Statement ExampleThis
example uses the Date statement to set the computer system date. In the
development environment, the date literal is displayed in short date format
using the locale settings of your code.Dim MyDate
MyDate = #February 12, 1985# ' Assign a date.
Date = MyDate ' Change system date.
Ron W
Time Statement Example
This example uses the Time statement to set the computer system time to a
user-defined time.
Dim MyTime
MyTime = #4:35:17 PM# ' Assign a time.
Time = MyTime ' Set system time to MyTime.Date Statement ExampleThis
example uses the Date statement to set the computer system date. In the
development environment, the date literal is displayed in short date format
using the locale settings of your code.Dim MyDate
MyDate = #February 12, 1985# ' Assign a date.
Date = MyDate ' Change system date.
Ron W