how can i change the calender for one task only?


Mohamed Khalifa

i want to change the calender for only one task and to creat another very
custmized calender .. could you explain how can i make this


Mohamed Khalifa said:
i want to change the calender for only one task and to creat another very
custmized calender .. could you explain how can i make this

Although you posted on our developer webpage, your question doesn't
mention anything about automating the process so I will assume you are
only asking a general use question. Select the task and go to
Project/Task Information/Advanced tab. Select the desired calendar in
the Calendar selection box.

Customized calendars are created under Tools/Change Working Time.
However before you create your new calendar you should probably read FAQ
5 - Default Working Hours on our MVP website at, You might also like to take a look
at fellow MVP, Mike Glen's tutorials. They can be found at, Mike's lesson 7 talks about

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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