how can i change the font to a language i made up?



i have created a language made up of charictors that, i made up.:) well any
way i figured out that i can use the languege bar on my computer to draw in
those charictors in microsoft word and i was wondering i f i could type in
those letters by using the translater but i dont know how to make the letters

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cnktcnk=?=,
i have created a language made up of charictors that, i made up.:) well any
way i figured out that i can use the languege bar on my computer to draw in
those charictors in microsoft word and i was wondering i f i could type in
those letters by using the translater but i dont know how to make the letters
Did you create a font and register it under Windows?

If yes, does it show in the Font list in Word? Or in the Insert/Symbol list of

You won't be able to link your font with a made-up language. Windows (and
therefore Word) doesn't recognize languages like that. (You could try asking in
a Windows newsgroup about creating an InputLanguage and linking it with a font.
I have no idea what that entails.)

But Word will let you use any font to type.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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