How can I check if a pop-up menu exists...



Hi All,

Help with another (probably easy for you all) question. I use the code
below to add a pop-up menu that runs a macro.

On Error Resume Next
With Application
.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("GICAP Formatter").Delete
Set cBut = .CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(Temporary:=False)
End With

With cBut
.Caption = "GICAP Formatter"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "FormatIssuesWorkSheet"
End With

What I need to know is how to check if the pop-up menu exists the next
time the workbook is opened? The "on error" process doesn't work for me
in this case because I need this check in the middle of a subroutine.
However, I continue in the subroutine whether it exists or not.

Can someone help?



What I need to know is how to check if the pop-up menu exists the next
time the workbook is opened? The "on error" process doesn't work for me
in this case because I need this check in the middle of a subroutine.
However, I continue in the subroutine whether it exists or not.

Can someone help?


This works for me Phillip London UK

Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Count
If Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls(x).Caption = "GICAP
Formatter" Then
MsgBox "It Exists"
End If


Not sure what you are after, but you can change the error trapping employed
in a routine:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i

'Activate the error handler
On Error GoTo Handler
'Some code
i = 1 / 0

'Change to Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
'Some code to skip over error
i = 1 / 0

'No error handling
On Error GoTo 0
'More code, although this will stop execution
i = 1 / 0

'Activate the error handler, again
On Error GoTo Handler
i = 1 / 0

Exit Sub
'Deal with the error
'Here we just resume next statement
Resume Next
End Sub


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