How can I choose a different symbol for the paragraph marker?



I think I remember being able to select the different symbols to display as
markers, but cannot find it. Any help?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm not sure what you're remembering, but if you're referring to nonprinting
characters, there is no way to change their display. Various fonts do have
different representations of the pilcrow (paragraph mark) and the character
used to indicate spaces (some use a large square that overlaps adjacent
characters--very annoying), but this is not user customizable except by
changing the font.


Thank you very much. Perhaps it was in a dream.

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
I'm not sure what you're remembering, but if you're referring to nonprinting
characters, there is no way to change their display. Various fonts do have
different representations of the pilcrow (paragraph mark) and the character
used to indicate spaces (some use a large square that overlaps adjacent
characters--very annoying), but this is not user customizable except by
changing the font.

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