Do you want to do in a view or in a VBA procedure?
As far as fields in a view go you can concatenate doing something like this in a custom field definition:
[WBS] & ": " & [Name]
In VBA you could do something like this to get it all at once as a string:
Function CatWBS2Task() as String
Dim strWBS As String
Dim strTask As String
For Each Task In ActiveProject.Tasks
strWBS = Task.WBS
strTask = Task.Name
strCat = strCat & strWBS & ": " & strTask & vbCrLf
CatWBS2Task = strCat
End Sub
You could also write the above routine as a subroutine that would update a target field with the concatenation.
Hope that helps.
Would like to be able to concatenate WBS with Task Name field. I can easily
do this
in Excel but cannot figure out how to do in MS Project.