How can I copy/paste a URL or email address into hyperlink


John Cooper

I am using Publisher 2003. I am required to insert several hyperlinks
(either URLs or email addresses) into a Publisher document. The only way I
can find to do this is by typing the address manually into the hyperlink
dialog box. I would really like to copy paste directly into the box, as it
would save so much time. None of the MS Office applications seem able to
create instant hyperlinks, although I could possibly create the text in
Outlook or OE & copy/paste that way. Is it a negative feature, or have I
missed something?

TIA John

Nelson, New Zealand

Mary Sauer

Not sure I know what you are trying to do. Where are you getting the email
addresses? Can you not copy the address from the source (Outlook address book,
for instance) and paste into your document, high-light the email address,
format, hyperlink and paste again?

John Cooper

Thanks for your reply Mary,
I think what has been happening is I have been downloading text from
websites which contain hyperlinks. Then I have been converting
(reformatting) the text to plain text in Notepad, then copy & paste into
Publisher (killing the hyperlink). If I don't reformat the text, it goes
into Publisher with text box and the wrong font/size etc. That is not the
problem. It lies when I
copy the black URL or email address, and go to the hyperlink box and try to
paste into the box to create the hyperlink - there is no way it will paste.
Hoping you will understand me this far? Is there really an answer, or does
the hyperlink have to be 'live' for this to work?
Regards, John
Nelson, New Zealand

John Cooper

Thanks David,
Exactly what I wanted. One day I should learn the keyboard shortcuts.
Regards, John
Nelson, New Zealand

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