How can I count unique values in a query in the report footer



Am using Access 2003

I have a report that gives me the count of the status of individuals . This
works fine as long is there is only one record in the query (in my query
there is one record per month). When I query 12 months (individuals may
appear in various months) it counts each record of an individual. For
Example in a query considering 12 months for a widow Jones it may count her
12 times and for a survivor named Smith may count her 8 times:

Widows 12
Survivors 8

I would like to add a count in the report footer that will tell me how many
unique individuals I have in the report (Example widows: Total 2). No
matter what I try I end up counting each indvidual the number of times they
appear in the query over a 12 month period; rather than just once.

Have tried suggestion submitted by Marshall Bartoon, which I appreciate, but
cannot get it to work.

Any suggestions?


Duane Hookom

Go back to the thread where Marsh was helping and answer his question. He's
trying to walk you through the appropriate solution so it doesn't do much
good to walk away from him ;-)


Have gotten back to Marsh. Did not mean to walk away, only to gert other
views. Have found out the more the views the better the results. Marsh very
graciously responded in detail.


Duane Hookom

Report help doesn't get much better/cleaner than info provided by Marsh. Give
him and others a chance. Other people will read replies and possibly jump in
if needed.

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